Fraser Kemp MP continues to fail to answer any of the questions that I have placed in my letters to him. That is the same situation with the questions I have put to the manager of the Durham County Court and No. 10 Downing Street. Judicial crime is a reality and I believe it’s the silence from the authorities who are in place to protect us from it which is telling its own story. When authorities act like children who have been caught stealing the cakes then we do have a very serious problem under what is shown to be the false promise of Tony Blair of a fairer Britain. However, we are not talking about trivialities. We are talking about money laundering which appears to be all part of the modern day English justice scene.


Mr Fraser Kemp MP

14 Nesham Place




My Ref: MK/LP/FK15

10th of September 2002

Open Letter to be Published For and In The General Public Interest.

Dear Mr Kemp

I thank you for your very brief letter of the 4th of October 2002. With reference in it to my previous correspondence to you, you simply write in it that you refer me to your previous correspondence with me. Your previous correspondence as you know failed to reply to any of the numerous questions that I have placed in my letters to you over this past year or so. As my Member of Parliament I consider it your public duty to have answered those questions. If you did not have the necessary answers to them that again is clearly your public duty to have approached the relevant bodies who should have assisted with the answers to those questions. It appears that you have not done that either.

You have written in your letters to me that you are not permitted to raise questions in the House of Commons. I have been given information which refutes that claim. You write that you can only raise questions with the respective Ministers. I understand from you that you have passed on copies of my correspondence with you to the Home Secretary, The Parliamentary Commissioner, The Lord Chancellor and the Attorney General. In my correspondence with you I provided to you some evidence of the crime carried out against me by judges sitting at the Durham and Newcastle County Courts. It also detailed crime carried out against me by others. My correspondence with you also included my very substantial signed Statement of Truth signed on the 3rd of October 1999 that included a copy of the text content of the Approved Transcript of Judgement of former recorder John H Fryer-Spedding numbering many dozens of pages detailing many of the false instruments that he used against me in Durham and Newcastle County Court cases DH400950, DH400898 and NE401650. If you read that document you will also have seen that the recorder agreed in his Approved transcript Of Judgement that it was his intention to deprive me of my rights. Alone this is a very serious matter which is being ignored by the relevant authorities. As you know there is a huge volume of his other acts which also perverted the course of justice. As you are aware, the Ministers detailed above that you have copied my correspondence to have all denied any responsibility to act on the evidence and content of judicial crime reported in it. In effect it is again as you know, shown to be a fact in the circumstances, that in the UK there are no authorities who are prepared to do what must be their public duty and that is to act on the matter of judicial crime. As in the past, I repeat again to you that this is now a constitutional issue and must be raised by you in the House of Commons at your earliest convenience. Facts show that you are opting out of that responsibility.

The fact, of which you are also clearly aware of, is that the UK has no independent and impartial tribunals or authorities established by law for the resolution of their rights as required by the European Human Rights Convention is another matter of issue which must also be raised in the House of Commons by you. This matter should be of concern to all citizens in the United Kingdom. My letter to your friend Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair of almost three weeks ago in which I also raised this issue amongst others, at present remains without reply or acknowledgement. I cannot think other than if my name had been Bush then I would have received a prompt response from either Mr Tony Blair or his office by now?

As long as you continue to fail in what I believe is your public duty in the matters of which I have reported to you then I in turn feel that I must, and in the public interest, continue to ask you those questions and now in addition, why it is that you do not answer them.

The damage that has and is being caused to me continues as long as these criminal matters you are aware of that have been used against me remain without address. It is my contention that by failing in what I do believe is your public duty in regard to them, then you by implication are regarded as being part of it. If you believe that my latter contention is unjust or unfair then you have of course also the right to reply to it. I will in the circumstances publish your reply to that as well in the cause of justice and honesty and the general public interest.

I request again that you reply to the questions and evidence that I have placed in my letters to you over this past year. I also request your answers relative to the additional questions that I have raised with you as a consequence of what you have written to me.

Yours sincerely

Maurice Kellett

16A The Lyons


Tyne-Wear DH5 0HT.


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