Below is copied the letter received from Fraser Kemp MP dated the 9th of September 2002. It has taken many weeks to receive this reply to my letters from him as his reply copied below shows. It will be seen that Mr Kemp has still not replied to any of the questions that I have put to him in my letters. It is certain that if he did not have any of the answers that I require, then he is in a position to obtain those answers from others within authority which is for and in the general public interest that he does that as a representative of the people within his constituency. I understand from Mr Kemp MP that he has provided the Lord Chancellor's Department, the Home Office, the Attorney General and the Parliamentary Commissioner with evidence of crimes carried out against me by judges and others. Some of the evidence of that is published on these pages. All of these authorities have denied any responsibility to act on the matter of judicial crime.

This is therefore a constitutional issue which must be raised by Fraser Kemp MP in Parliament. From the replies that I have received from him he shows that he will not do this. There are very serious matters arising from this and his refusal to raise the matter in Parliament which is for the benefit of all law abiding citizens. One of the purposes of Parliament is to protect its citizens from crime but more especially judicial crime. Without such, judges can become a law unto themselves without regulation or control for any crimes and misconduct that they might use in the course of their work against the citizens of the UK. Clearly, this is the situation now existing in Britain and the reasons for it happening must now be evident to all who read these pages. I accept the rule only of law but not of the lawless. I will never accept the judgement of any man who has clearly carried out acts to assist in perverting the course of justice. Nor will I accept any judgements arising from such judgement whatever the price that I may have to pay for it. The price that I have already paid in fighting against very corrupt people in power has already been very substantial. They have a responsibility in law for the damages that they have caused to me. More will follow on this matter in due course.

Maurice Kellett.

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